The Dream of Improving More Lives

For the last 25 years I have tried my best to help improve people's lives but dreamed of being able to help so much more. It's not an easy mission and many are better than me at getting people to come together to help others and support causes. I have much to learn and many ways to try. 

The intention to help others is deeply rooted in me and always will be.
I'm very convinced that the intention to help others it should be deeply rooted in everyone, as helping others is so highly related to creating our own happiness, peace of mind and self respect. It's a win win for everyone.

Part of the sales on all products on this site goes to helping others but I want to do so much more. 

The long term goal is to let 50-100% of profits or go to good causes like.
Perhaps we should try this as soon as we have time to organize it. 

I'm careful with trusting charity and philanthropy organizations for good reasons, after researching where the money goes in many cases.

The only way to truly know that the money helped the right person is to have very reliable video evidence or to spend it on the person or animal that you want to help directly.

My goal and dream is to both be able to let 50-100% of profits go to helping others and to have other funds to help people with as well, but I still have not solved the life puzzle behind this. 

It's something I'm working on and hope to be able to do.

The store needs affiliates to be known to customers and affiliates most of the time wants to be and should be rewarded with a significant part of profits from sales too.

At the moment 10% of profits always are reserved for charity, and empowerment of people and animals

At least 10% of all profits from each sale are reserved for charity, philanthropy and youth empowerment to help improve people's lives.

For wildlife and animal designs and vegan designs we reserve 10% of the profit to either animal rescue causes or activities aimed to lower animal suffering and animal product consumption, to try to educate and influence consumer behavior. 

Consumer education through campaigns, documentaries, and social media can raise awareness about both the ethical and empathetic reasons and the positive health and happiness reasons of consuming fruits and plant based food.

Inspiring behavior change towards plant-based diets can lead to so much less suffering both for people and for animals. 

To supporters of our dream to make a difference in people's and animal's lives, a big THANK YOU!